Sand from the plant Bielcza-Krężel

Natural Sandlogo_bielcza Slag Recycling, produced from the deposit of the gravel pit Bielcza-Krężel is coming into existence in the course of the use of the deposit and sieving wet in production processes. Sand is produced in two kinds: rinsed sand and natural deposit. On sale earth-sand-coloured blend is also available.

Rinsed sand – thanks to one’s properties (content of quartz above the 96% and deficiency in organic pollutants), wide using to cement and asphalt concrete is finding. Quality parameters allow for using sand of this type in the production of cement ordinary but first of all structural concrete (of tolls).

piasekSand about uziarnieniu 0-1 mm can be applied to plaster or plaster-calcareous mortars.
At the road building sand rinsed about the grain of 0-2 mm , he is being recommended to blends WMA to all bituminous layers in the category of roads from KR1 to KR6. Not rinsed sand of upper layers of the deposit can be applied for construction of embankments or the support base.

Sands Slag Recycling can be applied also as material filling up and the ballast around drainpipes and the ballast and the base up to a sett stone.


Assortment of Slag sand Recycling of the gravel pit Bielcza-Krężel

Natural sand (not rinsed)
Rinsed sand0-1 mm
Rinsed sand0-2mm


Offered sand is meeting requirements of norms: PN-EN 12620+A1:2010 i PN-EN 13242+A1:2010.

Discretionary we are providing with the Customer of adjudicating the compliance with the requirements of norms for qualities and declarations for purchased sand. The quality of sand is supervised systematically in the Slag Recycling Laboratory.