Gravel from the plant Bielcza-Krezel

zwir1dNatural gravels sandstone-granite Slag Recycling are produced from the deposit of the gravel pit Bielcza-Krezel in the vicinity of Borzecin, c 30 km from Tarnów. This product is coming into existence in the process of the lavage of stones and the addition of crushed gravel.

Thanks to its properties wide using to cement and asphalt concrete is finding. He is also being recommended to blends mineralno asphalt to binding layer, bituminous base of all categories of roads from KR1 to KR6.

żwirQuality parameters let for using to cement ordinary and structural concrete (of tolls). Gravel Slag Recycling can also be applied as drainage draining, filling material up and the ballast around drainpipes and filter material.


Assortment of gravel “Slag Recycling” of gravel pit Bielcza-Krezel

Gravel2-8 mm
Gravel8-16 mm
All-ups0-31,5 mm



Products Slag Recycling produced in the gravel pit “Bielcza-Krezel” are holding the following quality seals of approval:

  • Preliminary Research on the Type of all products in accordance with the requirements PN-EN 13242:2008, 13043:2004, 12620:2008
  • Flow indicator of aggregate – PN-EN 933-6 for rinsed sand 0-2 mm
  • Chemical composition of rinsed sand 0-2 mm


Gravels and sands from the deposit “Bielcza-Krezel” the highest parameters of requirements have properties of aggregates according to norms:

  • PE-EN 12620 +A1:2010 „Aggregates to concrete”
  • PE-EN 13242+A1:2010 „Aggregates to unbound and tied plumbing materials applied in civil structures and the road construction”
  • PE-EN 13042:2004 „Aggregates to bituminous mixtures and the surface”

Discretionary we are providing with the Customer of adjudicating the compliance with the requirements of norms for qualities and declarations for purchased aggregates.