Slag Recycling – products



żwirGravel natural sandstonegranite Slag Recycling are produced from the deposit gravel pit BielczaKrezel located in the Municipality of Borzęcin about 30 km from Tarnow.
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piasekNatural sand Slag Recycling is produced from the deposit BielczaKrezel gravel pit located in the Municipality of Borzęcin about 30 km from Tarnow.
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pospolkaDue to good filtration properties, mechanical and high load-bearing capacity in aggregate is often used as a material for building the foundation for the foundation, in the road and ordinary concrete.
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Aggregates and grits syenites

grys sjenitowySyenite, and actually sjenodioryt, this rock belongs to a group of igneous rocks. Aggregates and grits sienites an excellent material for all layers of the road for road KR1 to KR6, as well as structural concrete and asphalt.
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Aggregate Slate blown

ŁupekSlate blown arises from the enrichment and purification of coal and then burn during storage in landfills. It is characterized by gray – red or brick color. Red shale aggregate is perfectly suitable for the construction of roads, highways, squares, parks, gain ground and land exchange.
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Mixture of ash and cinders

Mieszanki popiołoweMixture of ash and slag Slag Recycling is formed as a by-product of the combustion of coal from CHP Nitrogen Plant in Tarnów in the landfill Lapwing in Bobrownikach Great.
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Kostka SjenitowaSienites pitching (hand cut edges) is produced from one of the most beautiful and unique rocks in the scale of Polish and Europe.
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Recycled Aggregates Slag Recycling – the optimal blend of mineral

mieszankaThey are produced in the Silesian Centre for Recycling. Meet all standards of environmental safety. Mineral mixtures optimal characterized by low bulk density, very good water permeability and compaction. more »




GnejsGneiss by its composition and the mineral has excellent strength and high capacity factor (well over 120%), making it an excellent material for the construction of roads of all categories.
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zastosowanieSee how and to what, you can use our products.
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TransportTo meet the expectations of our clients we help in the organization of transport of aggregates.
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