Mixture of ash and cinders – certificates
We are presenting findings of the usefulness ash and cinders mixture:
- IBDIM technical approval No. AT/2006-03-2109 wydanie II,
- Current research on free times. GDDKiA from Warsaw of mixture ash and cinders Slag Recycling from Tarnów assigned to construction of embankments according to: PN-S-02205:1998 „Car roads. Earthwork. Requirements and examinations.”
Files downloadable:
Technical approval – Mixture of ash and cinders SRS
Ecological evaluation of ash-speedway blend from the stockpile in Tarnów – 2010
From the beginning of the being Slag Recycling is putting the strong emphasis on examinations under the angle of determining the usefulness of aggregates in drogownictwie, of their ecological properties and the possibility of applying them in other cannon of the economy.