Gravel pit Bielcza-Krężel – certificates
Gravels and sands from our deposit are meeting requirements of norms:
- PN-EN 12620 +A1:2010 „Aggregates to concrete”
- PN-EN 13242+A1:2010 „Aggregates to unbound and tied plumbing materials applied in civil structures and the road construction”
- PN-EN 13043:2004 „Aggregates to bituminous mixtures and surface of strengthening applied on roads, airports and the different surfaces intended for the movement”
From the beginning of the being “Slag Recycling” a strong emphasis is putting usefulnesses of aggregates of under construction roads, their ecological properties and the possibility under the angle of the expression on examinations of applying them in other cannon of the economy. The quality of products is controlled systematically.
Declarations of Performance
- DoP rinsed sand 0-2 mm PN-EN 13043 2004
- DoP rinsed sand 0-2 mm PN-EN 12620 2010
- DoP natural sand 0-2 mm PN-EN 13242 2010
- DoP grit 2-8 mm PN-EN 13043 2004
- DoP gravel 2-8 mm PN-EN 12620 2010
- DoP grit 8-16 mm PN-EN 13043 2004
- DoP gravel 8-16 mm PN-EN 12620 2010
- DoP all-ups 0-31,5 mm refuler PN-EN 12620 2010
- DoP all-ups 0-31,5 mm refuler PN-EN 13242 2010
- DoP all-ups 0-31,5 mm kopana PN-EN 13242 2010
Below we are presenting certificates and quality seals of approval:
- ZKP certificate No. 1454-CPD-108-2 wg PN-EN 12620+A1:2010, 13043:2004, 13242+A1:2010,
- Flow indicator of aggregate according to PN-EN 933-6 for rinsed sand 0-2 mm,
- Chemical composition of rinsed sand 0-2 mm.

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