
ciekawe On May 9th, 2006, Slag Recycling was visited by world-famous writers – the authors of the “Vanishing Europe” essays. As specialists in forgotten and remote places, they have chosen places that are normally inaccessible, such as the premises of Slag Recycling. With bated breath they observed how real lava overflowed from ladles placed on platform trailers. “You dont need to go to Etna youve got it just near your city,” commented Susani, a writer from Sicily.
We would like to encourage you to read the article in the Gazeta Wyborcza, where you will find more information about the visit.

Newspaper / MagazineYear
01. Sto lat i dłużejGłos Nowej Huty12/2005
02. Dlaczego kruszywa SLAG RecyclingGłos Nowej Huty12/2005
03. Znów na krakowskim rynkuGłos Nowej Huty12/2005
04. Wykorzyst. kruszyw hutn. w drogownictwieSurowce i maszyny budowlane11/2005
05. Recepta na trwały chodnikGłos Nowej Huty10/2005
06. Kuszenie przedsiębiorcówGazeta Krakowska10/2005
07. Przykład idzie z AngliiGłos Nowej Huty09/2005
08. Zagosp. terenów poprzemysłowychEkologia08/2005
09. Slag Recycling na polskich drogachIntegracja Europejska06-07-08/2005
10. Trwałe i bezpieczne drogi w gminachPolskie Drogi06/2005
11. By drogi gminne były trwałe i bezpieczneGłos Nowej Huty05/2005
12. Kruszenie hałdyBusinessman04/2005
13. Kruszywa sztuczne na drogach MałopolskiPolskie Drogi04/2005
14. Ekologiczne kruszywa w budownictwieMagazyn Autostrady04/2005
15. Na miejscu hałdy wyrośnie jeszcze lasGazeta Wyborcza03/2005
16. Na małopolskie drogiGłos Nowej Huty03/2005
17. Recycling XXI wiekuGazeta BCC03/2005
18. W drogownictwie i hydrotechniceGłos Nowej Huty02/2005
19. Ile hałdy w drogach?Dziennik Polski02/2005
20. Jak ożywić tereny poprzemysłoweGazeta Krakowska02/2005
21. Nowoczesne podejście do recyklinguNowy Przemysł02/2005
22. Czym wjedziemy w Nowy RokGłos Nowej Huty01/2005
23. Sojusz dla jakościNowy Przemysł01/2005

On 6 October during the International Trade Fair on Infrastructure 2005 held in Warsaw, the winners of a competition set by the Minister of Infrastructure had been selected in three categories: Roads, Traffic and Materials for Road Construction and Maintenance. Slag Recycling took part in this competition and was given an honourable mention for aggregates applied in road bases. The competition organisers also mentioned the ecological character of Slag Recycling activity. Awards in the category of “Materials for Road Construction and Maintenance” went to: ORLEN Asfalt, LOTOS Asfalt , Fatzer AG Geobrugg Protection Systems.
In the Roads category the main prize went to BUDIMEX – DROMEX


The Małopolska Quality Award ceremony, a contest organized under the auspices of Marshall of Małopolska Province, took place on 21 June in the Mirror Room of the Słowacki Theatre in Cracow. Slag Recycling was among the winners, receiving an honourable mention in the category of production organizations. Medals were handed out personally by the Marshal of Małopolska Province, Janusz Sepioł.
The competition is addressed to enterprises running businesses on the area of Małopolska Province with an implemented system of integrated quality management, including standard series ISO 9000, ISO 14000 and TQM principles. It should be emphasized that participation in the competition confirms a high reputation of the enterprise and is considered a promotion of quality-aiming activities within the global management system.

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