
CE-logoWe have the pleasure of informing you that we have successfully completed the last stage of implementation and certification of Company Production Control. At our customers request, we can issue declarations of conformity in the 2+ system with the CE mark pursuant to PN-EN 13242:2004 “Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering works and road construction” and to PN-EN 13043:2004 “Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads, airfields, and other areas designed for traffic.”

konferencja_t A conference on road investments in local districts organized by SLAG RECYCLING took place on 27 April 2005 at the Sheraton Hotel in Cracow.
The leading theme of the conference was the role of aggregates in road engineering and application of Slag Recycling grits to tarmacadam.
Representatives of the Małopolskie Centrum Informacji Europejskiej (Małopolska Eurodesk Centre) who participated in the conference as co-organizers presented the methods of obtaining European Union funds for the districts.
The second part of the conference was devoted to the reclamation of post-industrial lands. Anna Banaś, the President of Slag Recycling, reported on British practice of land restoration.
Many local districts of Małopolska, Silesia and the Carpathian Foothills were represented at the conference. The conference subject matter was received favourably.

Newspaper / MagazineYear
01. Z myślą o środowiskuGłos Nowej Huty08/2004
02. Nowe technologie na bezpieczne drogiGłos Nowej Huty08/2004
03. Kruszywa Hutnicze do warstw filtracyjnych drógSurowce i Maszyny Budowlane09/2004
04. Wspólnie wybudujemy trwałe drogi w gminachIntegracja Europejska09/2004
05. Grysy Hutnicze SLAG RecyclingPolskie Drogi10/2004
06. Kruszywa z Nowej Huty na Rynku w KrakowieGłos Nowej Huty10/2004
07. Inwestycje dla Nowej HutyGłos Nowej Huty10/2004
08. Polskie drogi w Unii EuropejskiejGłos Nowej Huty11/2004
09. Polskie drogiGłos Nowej Huty11/2004
10. Pantenon polskiej ekologii dla SLAG RecyclingGłos Nowej Huty11/2004
11. Kruszywa Hutnicze SRS do odwodnień drogowychPolskie Drogi12/2004